
HTML 5 Standardization

HTML5 is all the talk. While many features are going to be great there is still so much work needed to provide standardization. I'm excited but with all of Google's algorithm updates, the constant flux in the quality of search engine results I am apprehensive that the www is going to be further splintered. Apple's [...]

2023-09-19T15:02:57-05:00Google, html5, iOS x, W3C|Comments Off on HTML 5 Standardization

The Cost of Some Internet Marketing SEO Techniques

One common website repair request we receive at Internet Market Consulting involves repairing website design errors and penalties caused by "Black Hat" Internet Marketing SEO Search Engine Marketing companies.  If you are new to the world of SEO and SEM you may not know all of the actual subtleties involved but in all reality, if [...]

2017-04-30T16:55:37-05:00Google, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Website Promotion, Yahoo|Comments Off on The Cost of Some Internet Marketing SEO Techniques

Google Wars Heating Up!

Things are heating up between Google and Microsoft with the introduction of Bing, Microsoft's new search engine. The first assault, the introduction of Google Chrome, Google's first Internet browser, attempting to cut into Microsoft's Internet Explorer market. Microsoft has maintained a stronghold on Internet browser market for many years, it is estimated that 75% of [...]

2023-09-19T15:12:50-05:00Bing, Google, Microsoft, operating systems, Yahoo|Comments Off on Google Wars Heating Up!
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