Google Issues New Chrome Warning – Its 8th ‘Zero Day’ Hack This Year
Being at the top of the web browser market share has its drawbacks. Google Chrome dominates the market with over two billion users worldwide making it an attractive target for hackers. Google issued its third urgent upgrade warning in a month.
Google revealed that a new ‘zero-day’ exploit (CVE-2021-030563) of Chrome has been discovered in the wild. Unlike the majority of security flaws, a zero-day classification means the exploit has been made public before the company could issue a patch.
Other than categorizing the exploit as a “Type Confusion in V8” Google gave no further details. V8 is the open source JavaScript engine at the core of Chrome. More information will probably not be made public until users have had an opportunity to upgrade.
All users should check to their Chrome version by navigating to Settings > Help > About Google Chrome. If your browser version on Linux, macOS and Windows is listed as 91.0.4472.164 or above you’re already safe against this threat as well as six other ‘High’ level threats. If not, manually check for Chrome updates then restart the browser once the update is ready.
A hacker group called PuzzleMaker have been successfully chaining together Chrome zero-day bugs to install malware on Windows systems. Microsoft issued an urgent security warning for Windows users.
Windows 10’s one billion users need to listen up because Microsoft confirmed seven serious threats to the operating system and warned users to upgrade.
While patches maybe issued for vulnerabilities success ultimately depends on how quickly Chrome users update their browsers.
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